Academic Mom Hacks

I frequently get questions from friends and colleagues "how do you do it all? Tell me how you do it!". Well, spoiler alert - I DO NOT DO IT ALL.  Want to learn some quick and easy academic mom hacks to help make life just a tad easier?  Read on! These are some hacks I have followed the last ~6 years or so since starting as a faculty member and achieving tenure, that have helped me achieve the facade of "doing it all".  

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As a recently promoted Associate Professor with tenure, I am finally in a position of a little bit more power and with the safety of at least knowing I am unlikely to lose my job over telling my own personal #MeToo stories.  To the rest of the brave women who have overcome this fear of public retribution, especially those who are not in positions of power, thank you for leading this path. I stand on the shoulder of giants and women who are braver and stronger than I am. 

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